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Monday, October 28, 2013

A Look Back on the Great 2013 Season: First Day of the Season at Kennywood

Our first park trip of the season was for opening day of Kennywood. The visit was spectacular! We were in an event run by our club, Great Ohio Coaster Club, and it was amazing. We were given a personal tour of the park and history lesson by Kennywood's Andy Quinn, a lifelong man at the park, with his family being part of the ownership of the park for a century. He gave us a wonderful tour of the entire park and we were also given an up close look at the Racer, from the ride's infield, giving us a once in a lifetime view of this cathedral of wood.

The park really did some wonderful retracking work on all of the wood coasters. The Racer, Jack Rabbit and especially the Jack Rabbit ran superb for the entire 2014 season. They even rebuilt sections of the lift hills on both the Racer and the Thunderbolt. The latter also had the majority of the track on the both large helix hills near the midway. The NAD trains on Thunderbolt ran like a dream and with how spectacular this ride is at any time, it ran that much better, if you can even imagine that. 

Jack Rabbit is always a favorite and that rode like a dream as well. They really took great care to improve the ride experiences on all three coasters. They ran the best I have ever rode them and really broke in even better later in the season. They rode great in 2012 as well, but I thought they could use some love. They took great care to restore them.

Brit really enjoyed the Auto Race, as did I. Such a fantastic gem of an old, one of a kind, classic. 
It was a great day as always at Kennywood. Nothing out there is quite like visiting Kennywood, a truly one of a kind park and I am glad it was the first park of the year for us.

The full photo reports can be found here: 
Brit's Album https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.304150569714944.1073741832.200128360117166&type=3

My Album (Dave)  https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.303941746402493.1073741831.200128360117166&type=3

Start planning for next season, our 2014 Calendar is available here http://www.lulu.com/shop/my-calendar/calendar/product-21243899.html

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