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Thursday, November 7, 2013

NAD Census Final Results?

The beautiful Conneaut Blue Streak NAD Train
Here is the running count we have on the remaining NAD trains. Add to the list please if you can! Sadly, it seems our count has come to a finale although I wish this were not the case. 

In operation: (Feel free to make corrections)
1) Thunderbolt - Kennywood - 3
2) Blue Streak - Conneaut Lake - 1 remaining after the Beach Club fire burnt the other remaining NAD Train
3) Valleyfair - High Roller 1 train
4) Camden Park, West Virginia - Big Dipper 1 train (Century Flyer)
5) Camden Park - Lil Dipper 1 train (Junior Train)

6) Rye Playland, Kiddie Coaster, 1 (Junior Century Flyer train)
7) Montana Rusa, 2 Trains, Mexico

Sitting Rotting/in a Boneyard: (Feel free to make corrections)
1) Geauga Lake Big Dipper 2 trains

Sitting on display
1) Excelsior Museum, Minnesota. Single car from defunct Excelsior Park coaster 
Photo Credit to Aaron Lesko

Sitting in storage
1) Little Americka has the two Lincoln Park NADs waiting to rebuild their coaster

Unaccounted for/status unclear
1) Lesourdsville Lake Screechin' Eagle trains
2) Cascade Park, Pennsylvania trains. Previously vandalized and left for dead. Person said they saw them at the former park site on display. Status unknown
3) SFMM Colossus original trains are thought to be somewhere

Photo Credit to James Green
We are hoping to find about more, please help us out! The main discussion page is here https://www.facebook.com/CoasterTalkNoBsZone/posts/375636709232996 or you can post what you know on this post. Any corrections on this information would be appreciated and any possible additional whereabouts of NAD trains. They are quickly going towards extinction and we want to know where all of the trains are at.


  1. http://rcdb.com/r.htm?ot=2&co=6867 Is this any help??

  2. The problem is that those are just NAD installations. They don't cover rides that run NADs but are not NAD installations, such as Kennywood's Thunderbolt and CLP's Blue Steak along with existing trains that are either sitting neglected and forgotten and trains that may be on display or in a collection somewhere.
