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Thursday, April 24, 2014

A look back at Dorney Park's old Laser

Laser remains as one of my favorites, even now, years after it was removed from Dorney Park. Living in Pittsburgh we unfortunately do not have any intense Schwarzkopf looping coasters within a day's drive of the area. SooperDooperLooper at Hershey is more of a family ride and a few Schwarzkopf Wildcat rides remain as well. Laser packed so many G's into that small layout. The ride was sold in 2009 to a traveling German fair that fully revamped the ride. The ride is back up for availabilty and I would love for it to land on this side of the pond once again, preferably within a short drive of Pittsburgh. Here is the link to the ride sale listing

Here is a brief off ride video clip that I took. Excuse me for the shaky hands and weird movements. I am not a huge fan of taking videos. I can hear that distinctive roar and rattle in the video, a sound that will stick with me forever.

I recall closing my eyes and putting my head down as a little guy, getting scared on the ride. Even though this was probably the first ride to truly scare me, I really enjoyed it. I hope to ride this one day again and to have kids enjoy the same intense experience I did as a young one.

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