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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Poll: Favorite Pre-1941 Coaster

There seem to be two events that really took a toll upon the construction of roller coasters, the economic downturn of the Great Depression and the lead up to US involvement in World War II where rationing had to take precedent over coaster construction. Sometimes I wonder what where classic designers like Schmeck would end up if the Depression and World War II would have not occurred. He was in his prime during those years but we have to be happy with the fantastic creations he came up with during the peak times in the roaring twenties and just after the war.

Anyways, we have a really long list here with just over two dozen choices from around the globe. I am very thankful to have grown up in Pennsylvania and had such wonderful access to a bunch of these classics. Please take the opportunity to choose your favorite pre-1941 coaster. For these being all that exist worldwide, it is crucial that we figure out a way to preserve these in addition to bringing back some standing but not operating coasters like the Geauga Big Dipper and the Williams Grove Cyclone.
Crazy double down airtime on the Miller Designed Kennywood Jack Rabbit
Snowy shot of quick snapping drop action on the Vettel designed Conneaut Lake Blue Streak
Majestic swooping hills on the dual tracked, Miller designed, Kennywood Racer
The intense, Schmeck designed, Thunderhawk, getting stood over by Steel Force at Dorney Park
The world's oldest coaster, the E. Joy Morris designed Lakemont Leap the Dips

Get choosing!

Also, if you will be in the Pittsburgh area tomorrow, Thursday April 3rd, be sure to drop by the University of Pittsburgh bookstore, the University Store on Fifth, between 12 and 2 PM for we will be there doing a book signing. 

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