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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Palace Playland at Old Orchard Beach, Maine

Now onto the next stop on our honeymoon. Palace Playland at Old Orchard Beach in Maine is a nice little seaside amusement park. The park offers a great variety of flat rides, in addition to an S.D.C. Galaxi coaster. The park follows a similar historical timeline to other major east coast seaside amusement parks, having opened in 1902. Unlike many of the other older parks that are around today, you can still take the train to the park, with Amtrak's Downeaster still servicing the area.

It was a pleasant surprise to see a Huss Troika in operation. Generally these do not operate in smaller parks due to the enormous size and weight of these rides. Troikas are one of my favorite styles of flat rides. There are many other different flat rides at the park that range from small family rides, to fun thrill rides, including a Zamperla Power Surge.
 The park has this Ferris Wheel that is directly adjacent to the beach.
The creations from the former Italian coaster company S.D.C. have become increasingly rare, with only 16 of the original 63 coasters remaining in operation.
Brit did not end up riding the coaster, but ended up getting a shot of me riding this fun Italian steel coaster. I believe that this was my first S.D.C. coaster, and I really enjoyed it. It had some fun moments of airtime, and the seemingly endless helix elements were really fun. S.D.C. really had a winner in this design. The newer family coasters of this size do not compare to the wild ride that this offers. This is a great ride for the whole family.
Here is a view of the old pier and beach area. Old Orchard Beach is a very charming beach town area that I highly recommend checking out sometime.

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