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Friday, January 31, 2014

Big Announcement at Eastcoaster and Sunday's Moravian Book Store Signing!

Tomorrow we will make a major announcement at Eastcoaster about our book, so stay tuned!

Don't forget to vote in our new poll on the right hand side of the page "Favorite Pennsylvania Terrain Coaster."

On Sunday we will also have a book signing event at the Moravian Book Shop in Bethlehem from 1:00 to 3:00.

Seeing this whole book process come together has been so rewarding. It was great talking to park managers like Dick Knoebel and Paul Nelson (of Waldameer) along with ride builders and designers such as Mike Boodley and Chris Gray of GCI, Tom Rebbie of PTC, Charlie Dinn, Chad Miller of the Gravity Group and others. We cannot wait to share our book at Eastcoaster along with our announcement. Stay tuned!

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