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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Our Eastcoaster Announcement! Helping Conneaut Lake and Lakemont Park!

Here is the announcement. We are working with both Adams Amusement/Conneaut Lake and Lakemont Park to give a portion of our proceeds of our sales to the parks. As a thank you for your contribution through a book purchase, you get your choice of either a free ride ticket for the Blue Streak or a free ride ticket for Leap the Dips. 
Help out Lenny Adams and Joe Cappello with their revitalization of the park.
Help the great people at Lakemont continue their work to keep the World's oldest roller coaster, Leap the Dips, running for generations to come. 

Use the drop down menu at the top of the page to purchase a book and put a note in the purchase whether you would like to get a free Conneaut Blue Streak ticket or a Lakemont Leap the Dips Ticket!

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